Tantric Advaita

In case of need

Dissolving a bad mood


Whenever feeling unhappy and wanting a way out, turn to this page...

Step 1: Stop Identifying with the Rasa

You are in charge; whatever you do is your responsibility and you always have the power to change your emotional state. Put any specific reasons for that state temporarily out of your mind. Nothing that might have caused this state is reason enough for losing control.

Step 2: Immediately Change Your Body Chemistry

Create the proper biochemical basis for changing the Rasa in just a few minutes. In case of:

. Anger: Take a relatively cold shower, drink several glasses of cool water, and chew some green cardamom seeds afterward.
. Fear (Anxiety): Eat some fresh ginger and drink some lemon juice in water.
. Sadness: Do not hold back your tears-releasing them helps to release the sadness. Rinse the eyes afterward with cool water or rose water. Chew some fenugreek leaves and saffron or eat a light sweet dish that contains one or both of these spices.
. Disgust (or depression): Eat a good amount of fresh ginger and take some fruit juices as well.

Step 3: Induce Calmness

Perform the relaxing, breathing, and meditation exercises that you are most comfortable with, in order to create a more peaceful state as an intermediate state in changing toward a desirable Rasa. If you have not yet learned any such exercises, slow down your breath through the following exercise: Hold your breath for as long as you can, then breathe out slowly, breathe in and again hold your breath. Repeat this exercise until your breathing remains slow.

Step 4: Focus on the Desirable Enemy Rasas (see Rasas Charts)

In all cases, seeking out one's loved ones and having a good time with them by enjoying some natural beauty, art, and light chatter together is the best way to change the unpleasant Rasa to the Rasas of Love, Joy, and Wonder.

In case of Fear and Disgust or depression, a good way to strengthen the Courage Rasa is to practice any physical disciplines that you have already mastered, such as yoga postures, martial art, and various sports.

Step 5: Analyze the Problem

Now that the disagreeable Rasa has mostly gone, analyze the attachment that lies at the basis of the Rasa and detach yourself from it:

. Anger: Analyze the unfulfilled expectation that triggered it and tell yourself to stop expecting it.
. Fear: Analyze the threatened identification that caused it and tell yourself to stop identifying with it.
. Sadness: Analyze the suffering caused by ignorance that created it and teach yourself to see through illusion.
. Disgust: No analysis needed; just forget whatever disgusted you and proceed immediately to step 6

Now that you feel more detached from the desires that feed these Rasas, you might also try to analyze the particular problem and see if there is a way to avoid it. If a solution seems possible, plan how to bring it about. If the problem has no solution, accept it. Feeling bad about it will only make it that much bigger.

Step 6: Exercise Your Control

Following this step by step program is usually very beneficial, but once you calm down, you should also realize that becoming so upset indicates that you need to gain more control over the particular Rasa. To avoid getting caught by it again, set the conditions for a Rasa Sadhana of that Rasa.


Leela is the ancient vedic name for the theater of life. Life in all its forms is an illusion behind which we can find the ultimate truth of pure Being. Yet life is also a divine theater, a spiritual game played by us, the actors. Yoga allows us to hold on to the bliss of truth while playing the game. And also this yoga is a game, which we can only take seriously if we do not take ourselves and this game too seriously. That is the meaning of Leela Yoga, nothing more, nothing less. So, Leela Yoga is a vision on yoga and also a name for a simple organisation that allows me to bring this vision into practice... more about Leela Yoga & Peter Marchand

Peter Marchand Facebook page

International Leela Yoga Facebook Group

Leela Yoga Newsletter

Belgium : www.leela-yoga.be

New book : www.tantricadvaita.org

Harish Johari students sangha : www.sanatansociety.org

  in sweet memory
of Harish Johari


As the destination is the same for all, it is easy to make the error of assuming that the path must be just as universal.

The attachment that happens in the pursuit of happiness is the main source of unhappiness.

Don't think of going somewhere, because this somewhere will come along with you wherever you go, as you are already there.

Yoga requires unity between enjoyment and suffering, between bhoga and yoga, even between attachment and detachment.

How can anyone be "good" without a choice between good and bad?

While the mind creates the illusion of the universe through the senses, the intellect creates the illusion of understanding it.

When our day has been entirely ego-centered, then our meditation will probably have similar poor quality.

When the focus on the self is held strongly enough, the flow of kundalini energy happens on its own, naturally.

Tiptoe inside, don't make a sound, don't scare away that which cannot be found.

Enlightenment is nothing more or less than the final level of the game of life.